Listen the teaser from "Sumerian Chants" or check our channel on Youtube for old stuff.

Order now the new album SUMERIAN CHANTS on the SATANATH ONLINE STORE.

From seven gates our scream will rise. All the living will be torn aside.

Sumerian Chants and the press

"The rhythm, slow, groovy and dark for all the duration of the album, is enriched with oriental melodies, giving the whole an evocative taste."
Hypnos Webzine

"All metalheads out there who are interessted in music which does not sound like the everyday bullshit have to listen to this album."

"All the tracks are a perfect combination of the dramatic keyboards, very dark riffs and archaic scenarios evoked: the result of this interaction is an inevitable and total immersion in a proposal that has reached an expressive dimension of very high level. Sumerian Chants is a mature, conscious and complete record: a real jewel of dark matter."
Aristocrazia Webzine

"The songs are based on few widely dilated riffs and, in the same way, the deep and majestic vocals, contribute in greating a feeling of oppression.[...] From the beginning to the end of the album, the listener will be oppressed by a sense of suffocation, as if the air around him had a percetible heaviness. "
Italia Di Metallo

"The majestic piano parts are wisely arranged and blended masterfully with the other partes. The wonderful song Pazuzu is a descent into a maelstrom, introduced by piano soft tunes, leading to the following break-down. "
Italian Doom Metal

"There are plenty of surprises to be found lurking within: the creepily-atmospheric opening invocation 'Call Me By My Dream Name', the punchy female guest vocal in 'The Sleepless King...', the staccato ending to 'Pazuzu', the mournful and cruel elegy 'I Made An Angel Fall'. In between, each track twists and turns through passages that range from slow and majestic to fast and aggressive, all characterised by the contrast between clean, undistorted guitar and keyboard. "

"Doom metal is more about feelings than about a defined style: people should feel oppressed by the "heaviness” of the music, get some dark and evil landscape. The intent is that, once you finish listening to the whole Sumerian Chants you’ll feel like if a heavy weight was crushing you and has been lifted as soon as the music ends."
Interview on Pest Webzine


The roots of Enoch go back in early 90s when Silvio (former member of italian cult act Ras Algethi, which released the demo-tape “Oblita Divinitas” and the CD “Oneiricon, The White Hypnotic” by Wounded Love Records.) founded "Blessed Be The Woods". Doom attitude, pagan heritages and female vocals were up to the band in veins of 3rd and the Mortal. Hard work ended with a promotional Cd that kicked some serious asses but was rejected by BBTW original label. We started playing Doom/Death Metal, with influences from My Dying Bride and early Tiamat, along with first-wave black metal bands and Swedish death metal scene. After a year of reharsal sessions, we released our first CD (“Enuma Elish La Nabu Shamu”, engineered by Tom Pagotto, drummer of Italian cult brutal band Nefas) which sold-out 500 copies and got some good review, earning the presence on “Chariots Arrive Again VOL. 2”, a doom compilation by Foreshadow Productions, featuring among the others, Skepticism and Solicide.

In summer 2004 Enoch entered the studio again, to release a 4-track CD, enginereed by Andrea “Grunt” who used to work with italian milestones such as Cultus Sanguine and earl Lacuna Coil. The result wss a four track CD, mixing all of our roots: death-doom of early 90s, mid-80s thrash riffing, english-like piano melodies, and first-wave black metal sounds. In 2008 we released a promotional EP ("The Dreaming City2) under request from a label. Unfortunately -at the very last moment- the label chose another band. Shit happens, they say, but we had to work hard, in order to stand up again.

Our music changed during these years, we tried a lot of different approaches, just to find ourself back to the point where we began so many years ago; afetr hard work, we ended with 8 new tracks and we decided it was due date to recorded them. I guess that the good response we got from the repints of Enuma and Tetragramaton pushed us. A lot of labels showed up some kind of interest, but we were not right into the mood they wanted us to play; we do feel a strong link with the underground scene and we were looking for a label with a roster big enough to ensure a certain competence and with a good distribution, in order to have our new CD spread. That's how we met Satanath Records; we felt immediately in sync and soon after "Sumerian Chants" was ready to be printed, along with the stunning artowrk of Mauro Berchi of Canaan. I cannot tell what is the exact genre we’re playing. When we released “Enuma”, we thought that we were playing death/doom as people knew it and called it in the late 90s. Then some zines started reviewing it, writing hat we played funeral doom. By that time, I didn’t know what funeral doom was. Anyway, I think that they were right. Now I listen to a lot of funeral, and -for sure- it had some influence on the music I write, but my main inspirations are the same band of more than 10 years ago: Celtic Frost, Bathory, Kreator and Darkthrone. For sure we play heavy metal and for sure it is extreme.

Lorenzo, the voice and the louder guitar of Enoch. Somewhere between 2013 and 2014